Castle Windsor 4.0.0 is now available. This release includes the following changes:

Breaking Changes:

  • Remove .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.0 Client Profile support (@fir3pho3nixx, #173, #180, #177, #185)
  • Update Castle.Core dependency to 4.0.0 (@alinapopa, #235)


  • Add .NET Standard and .NET Core support (@alinapopa, @fir3pho3nixx, @jonorossi, #145)


  • Fix IL interpretation of Ldarg_N from LOCAL 0 to LOCAL [0,1] in OpCodes so test FluentRegistrationTestCase.Can_publish_events_via_AllTypes could publish events again on Windows 10 Home (build 14393.693) VS 2015 Update 3 using .NET 4.x (@fir3pho3nixx, #168)
  • Fix race condition in PoolableLifestyleManager creating a pool (@krinmik, #72)
  • Fix race condition in WindsorContainer not generating unique names (#301)

This release is driven by the new .NET SDK build tooling and new CI automation with many thanks to @fir3pho3nixx.

See GitHub for the release notes.